Calle San Martín 6, 1º, 20005 Donostia-San Sebastián
If you get by car
You have the possibility to park at the bus station, just 5 minutes away.
Contact us to reserve a ticket for your stay.
Our prices are :
1 day ticket : 25 euros
2 days ticket : 50 euros
3 days ticket : 60 euros
4 days ticket : 80 euros
5 days ticket : 100 euros
6 days ticket : 120 euros
From the station
If you arrive by train or bus, you just have to cross over the river and you will be at Pensión Donostiarra in 5 minutes.
Pensión Donostiarra
c/ San Martín 6, 1º
20005 Donostia-San Sebastián
Tel.: +34 843 989 205